…and now I write this blog. Here I share my thoughts about topics that hide behind the links in the left sidebar.
My book, Tea with Dad, Finding Myself in My Father’s Life (Green Place Books) comes out June 1, 2021. Check your local independent bookstore. You can also preorder it at Bookshop.org, Indiebound.org, Amazon.com, or Barnesandnoble.com. These links will take you right to the information about the book on those sites.
I’m glad you dropped by. Get to know me. Let me get to know you. I hope this visit won’t be your last.
Book, Tea with Dad, resting on white, wrought iron table.
Green Writers Press | Green Place Books
ISBN: 9781950584765
For Media Kit Contact: TeaWithDad@gmail.com
It’s been said, and as a father of a daughter I know it’s true, "A daughter is her father’s heart, walking away on feet.” Nancie Laird Young, three-score-and-change, needed to walk back into her father’s house. Six years later, she’s given him, and us, this lovely book.
—Jesse Kornbluth, writer and editor, HeadButler.com
A profoundly moving story about midife reckonings and inter-generational caretaking, family connections, and what it means to come home.
—Heather Diamond, author, Rabbit in the Moon
Sit back and steep yourself in Young’s reflective recounting of family stories and secrets, misconceptions and discoveries, in what ultimately proves to be the grace-infused accommodation between an aging parent and adult child, between their past and their present.
—Jim Tomlinson, author of Things Kept, Things Left Behind (Iowa Short Fiction Award)
No one gets a do-over in life, but the next best thing is to look at our experiences and make sense of them in the service of truth and growth. In Tea with Dad, Nancie Laird Young takes an unflinching look at herself, her family, and her place in the world in a memoir that is authentic yet compassionate… Tea with Dad is a personal story that addresses a universal longing. It is a homecoming to oneself.
—LouAnn Clark, author and podcaster, A Decided Difference